🌅 The 3 Essentials of a Happy Morning

PLUS: Unlocking more Energy, Easy Happiness Hacks, and more.

Welcome back to Hugo’s Habits 🧠.

Happy Sunday.

Since it’s Sunday, click below for FREE ACCESS to our Habit Mastery E-Book 👇️ 

In today’s issue:

  • How to build good morning habits.

  • When and why you should time your caffeine.

  • The neuroscience of a good morning routine.

  • and more…

(Estimated read time: 3 minutes.)

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Best Links This Week ⚡️ 

Here are the best articles and information I found this week while researching.

Some cool shit down there 👇️ 

🧠 Neuroscience

The basics of neurobiology (link)

The science of Habits (link)

How the brain changes with learning (link)

📋️ Practical Tips and Strategies

7 expert tips to wake up early (link)

The 13 benefits of morning exercise (link)

10 Benefits of watching a Sunrise (link)

🔬 Updates from Research

AI helps to explain human memory and imagination (link)

Exercise boosts motor learning and memory (link)

 💦 How to Hydrate Properly in the Morning

Hydration is not just drinking water.

After sleep and exercise, to hydrate properly we must replace our body’s electrolytes ⚡️ 

Simply add to a glass of water to ensure you are energized and hydrated throughout your day! 🫗 

I use the Revival pouches linked below.

You can never make a bad investment in your health, try them below! 👇️ 

The 3 Steps of a Happy Morning: A Neuroscience Guide to Starting Your Day Right

Morning routines can significantly impact your mood and productivity for the day.

By understanding the neuroscience behind our morning habits, we can optimise our routines for a happier and more efficient start every day.

In today’s issue, I have laid out the three neurological essentials you should strive for to get that serotonin flowing.

Follow these three steps every morning and just watch how your mood and energy levels change.

1. Hydration 💦 

Upon waking, your body emerges from a state of fasting, often slightly dehydrated.

This dehydration can impact brain structure and function since the brain relies heavily on hydration to operate efficiently.

Water is vital for nutrient absorption, toxin removal, and ensuring electrical energy for brain functions, including thought and memory processes.

The Science Behind It: 

Neuroscientific research indicates that even mild dehydration can impair cognitive functions, such as concentration, alertness, and short-term memory.

A hydrated brain is also better at balancing mood and emotions due to its effect on serotonin and cortisol levels.

Starting your day with a glass of water rehydrates your body, kickstarts your metabolism, and provides an immediate boost to brain performance.

Electrolytes are a must for me.

Game changer.

2. Sunlight ☀️ 

“Getting sunlight in your eyes first thing in the morning is absolutely vital to mental and physical health. It is perhaps the most important thing that any and all of us can and should do in order to promote metabolic well-being, promote the positive function of your hormone system, get your mental health steering in the right direction.”

Exposing yourself to natural sunlight in the morning has a dual effect. It not only boosts your vitamin D levels, crucial for bone health and immune function but also plays a critical role in syncing your circadian rhythm.

This internal clock regulates your sleep-wake cycle, hormone release, eating habits, and digestion.

Neurological Impacts: 

Morning sunlight exposure triggers the production of serotonin, enhancing mood and well-being. It also helps suppress melatonin production, signaling to your body that it's time to wake up.

This adjustment in hormone levels aids in regulating sleep patterns, improving sleep quality, and increasing daytime alertness.

Regular exposure to sunlight can also reduce the risk of seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a type of depression related to changes in seasons.

Benefits are abundant.

P.S. If you’re like me and live in the UK, we’re lucky if we get any sunlight at all, never mind in the morning.

Artificial light is also beneficial, so if it’s miserable outside, just blast your eyes with any light.

But, if it is sunny, light through the window is not beneficial at all.

Get outside!

You can use the app below to measure the amount of light you are getting from different sources. Pretty cool.

3. Delay your caffeine ☕️ 

Caffeine is a beloved stimulant that blocks adenosine receptors in the brain.

Adenosine is a neurotransmitter that promotes feelings of tiredness and relaxation as it accumulates in your brain throughout the day.

The blocking of adenosine receptors by caffeine results in decreased feelings of fatigue.

Understanding Adenosine: 

The strategic timing of your caffeine consumption can enhance its benefits.

In the morning, your body naturally decreases adenosine levels as part of the wake-up process, supported by an increase in cortisol (the stress hormone), which helps you feel alert.

By delaying caffeine intake until your body's cortisol level naturally dips (typically 60-90 minutes after waking), you maximize the effectiveness of caffeine and maintain your body’s sensitivity to both cortisol and caffeine.

This can lead to more consistent energy levels throughout the day and better sleep at night, as it allows the natural accumulation of adenosine to signal when it’s time to rest.

As a coffee addict myself, I know it’s hard.

But the energy benefits throughout the day are huge!

Implementing These Steps 📋️ 

Integrating these practices into your daily routine doesn’t have to be overwhelming.

  1. Start by setting a glass of water on your bedside table each night as a reminder to hydrate first thing in the morning.

  2. Open curtains to let sunlight in as soon as you wake up, or better yet, step outside for a few minutes if possible.

  3. Lastly, try to delay your morning coffee until mid-morning, observing how these changes affect your energy and alertness levels.

Over time, these small adjustments can lead to significant improvements in your cognitive function, mood, and overall daily performance, grounded in the principles of neuroscience.

That’s all for this week!

Any questions?

I answer all DMs on my socials, or just reply to this email! 📨 

This newsletter is designed for you to introduce habits to allow every reader to be the happiest, healthiest, and wealthiest version of themselves!

So, for next week, PICK YOUR TOPIC!! ⚡️ 

Have an amazing week.

See you then,



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