💤 Sleep is your SUPERPOWER!

PLUS: Why Sleep is so Important, The Optimised Sleep Routine, How to Master your Sleeping Habits, and more.

Welcome back to Hugo’s Habits 🧠 

In today’s issue:

  • Why sleep is SO important

  • Why you should prioritise your sleep

  • How alcohol and other substances affect your sleep

  • How lack of sleep can cause cancer and other conditions.

  • and more…

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Best Links This Week ⚡️ 

Here are the best articles and information I found this week while researching. Some cool shit down there 👇️ 

🔍️ The Neuroscience of Sleep

What happens to the brain when we sleep (link)

What is the difference between REM sleep and deep sleep (link)

The neuroprotective qualities of good sleep (link)

How a lack of sleep is linked to an increased risk of cancer (link)

📋️ Practical Tips and Strategies

Neuroscientist’s top tips for a good night’s sleep (link)

The best 10 naturally occurring sleep aids (link)

🔬 Research Updates

Not a morning person? Blame your genes (link)

How sleep boosts your memory (link)

Sleep is your SUPERPOWER.

Early to bed and early to rise makes a man, healthy, wealthy and wise.”

Benjamin Franklin

If getting 8 hours of sleep every night could be bottled and sold, it would be illegal.

It’s the greatest performance enhancer known to man.

If you are an elite athlete, a neuroscientist, a teacher, a lawyer, anything every aspect of your life is enhanced with good quality sleep.

When people think of good habits, they think of stuff like cutting out the chocolate, starting running, or going off the drink for a month.

Building a habit of prioritising quality sleep is the best habit you will ever form.

This week, I have spent 10+ hours listening and reading research in the sleep science field.

The majority of this information has come from Dr. Matthew Walker.

I am truly doing this topic no justice, to get your mind blown listen to Dr. Walker’s teachings in the podcasts listed below 👇️ 

Unbelievable listening 🎧️ 👇️

Dr. Walker has appeared on Joe Rogan’s podcast, as well as “Diary of a CEO” by Steven Bartlett, with the mission of spreading the necessity of sufficient sleep, and the catastrophic side effects of their lack of.

That’s just to name a few.

(P.S. As I have been getting more into mindfulness and stoic thinking, I came across this newsletter. It’s amazing, every day just a little block of wisdom straight to your inbox 💫 📨 )

Book NotesGet the best lessons out of books in minutes.

If you are reading this thinking,

“I sleep five hours a night and I’m just fine.”

Well, sorry, but you’re not. Statistically speaking.

The number of people who can survive on 6 hours of sleep or less without showing any impairment, rounded to a whole number and expressed as a percentage of the population is 0.

Dr. Matthew Walker (World-Leading sleep researcher)

Please read that again.

The science is there, the less you sleep, the worse every aspect of your life becomes.

In your defense, there is a condition known as short sleep syndrome, caused by a mutation of the DEC2 gene, allowing individuals to function on under 6 hours of sleep.

 It’s very rare, like 0.025% of the population rare.

And I guarantee you reading this thinking “As long as I get my 6 hours I’m fine.”


Shows just one of the side effects of lack of sleep, weight gain.

So, why is sleep important?

What does it do for your body?

  • Restock the weaponry in the arsenal of your immune system

  • Regulates blood sugar levels and appetite levels

  • Regulates sex hormones (testosterone and estrogen)

  • Cleanse toxic proteins known to cause Alzheimer’s disease

  • and the list goes on.

So, how can I make sure I get the best sleep possible?

Keep reading 👇️ 

The Optimised Sleep Routine

I have always loved sleeping. Call me lazy blah blah blah…

From my research, I have found the optimized evidence-based rules for a good night’s sleep.

The rules below are just science 🧪 

  1. Consistency: Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, even on weekends.

  2. Temperature: Keeping the bedroom cool helps lower the body's core temperature, facilitating sleep onset. This also works in reverse with a hot shower or bath. When we leave the hot bath/shower, our body temperature plummets, and lets us become more sleepy!

  3. Darkness: Ensuring the sleeping environment is as dark as possible, using blackout curtains if necessary.

  4. Technology: Avoid screens and electronic devices close to bedtime due to the blue light they emit, which can interfere with melatonin production.

  5. Caffeine and Alcohol: Limiting intake of both, especially in the hours leading up to bedtime, as they can disrupt sleep patterns.

  6. Relaxation: Incorporating a wind-down routine before bed, such as reading, meditation, or light stretching, to signal to the body that it's time to sleep.

Implement all these to your night-time routine and you’ll be sleeping like a baby in no time.

Never really understood that saying, considering babies are up all night.


How to Build an UNBREAKABLE Sleep Habit

I have created a table of all the most-research evidence-based tips on how to create a beneficial and sustainable sleeping habit. 😴 


How to Build

Consistent Sleep Schedule

Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Adjust changes gradually.

Optimize Sleep Environment

Keep the bedroom cool, dark, and quiet. Consider white noise machines or earplugs if needed.

Limit Light Exposure

Avoid screens at least an hour before bed. Dim household lights in the evening.

Intake Moderation

Avoid caffeine and nicotine several hours before bedtime. Limit alcohol intake.

Pre-Sleep Routine

Engage in relaxing activities like reading or meditating. Consider a warm bath or shower.

Mindful Napping

Limit naps to 20-30 minutes early in the afternoon to avoid disrupting nighttime sleep.

Exercise Regularly

Avoid vigorous exercise close to bedtime. Finish intense workouts at least three hours before sleep.

Address Worries

Write down concerns or plan the next day’s tasks before bed to clear your mind.

Evaluate Your Sleep

Keep a sleep diary if you’re struggling to sleep well; consult a sleep specialist if necessary.

That’s all for this week!

Any questions?

I answer all DMs on my socials, or just reply to this email! 📨 

This newsletter is designed for you to introduce habits to allow every reader to be the happiest, healthiest, and wealthiest version of themselves!

What can you do now?


See you then,



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