🚿 Earn Your Shower.

How to Transform A Routine Into a Reward.

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Welcome back to Hugo’s Habits! 🚀 

This week’s habit will be focusing on HEALTH.

(Estimated read time: 2 minutes)

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This Week’s Thoughts. 💭 

The main ideas in my self-development I have been thinking about this week are building confidence, whilst still being kind to yourself.

I spend all day, every day, talking to myself in my head.

And I am sure many of you do the same.

These last few months I have been keeping that voice as positive as possible.

One thing I would like you to do this week is to do the same.

This is done by taking action and sticking to small goals you set yourself as you grow.

These fulfilled promises, in turn, lead to confidence.

Confidence is so important in life, from how you progress in your career, to how you approach/build relationships.

Back yourself.

You build confidence and self-belief by having an undeniable stack of proof that backs you are who you say you are.

Nobody can tell me I am not fit, I train every day.

Nobody can tell me that I am not a content creator. I sit down and write/create content every day.

This gives me confidence.

Do you want to be someone who runs in the morning?

Then don’t break the promise you made to yourself, get up and go for a run.

These habits and routines are slowly built and become part of your identity. If you run five times a week, then you are a runner, no matter what anyone says.

But, if you do break that promise, be kind to yourself.

“Remember you have been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.”

🚿 Earn Your Shower

I will not start this week’s article with a lie.

I start work at 8.30 every day, so I will not sit here and say that I exercise before work and earn my morning shower.

This is probably optimal, and I would love to build it into my routine.

But at the minute, I wake up, skull a bottle of water, and fall into the shower still half asleep.

However, I still have built this habit of earning my shower. Just do it after work.

I would always shower after work anyway, so I go to the gym on the way home from work to earn it.

Just get a sweat on doing something, it’s really that simple.

Linking exercise with something you already do daily—like showering—builds consistency in your fitness routine.

This "habit stacking" technique leverages an existing habit (showering) to anchor a new one (exercise), making it easier to stick with.

The idea of "earning" your shower creates a natural reward system.

(This reward system is one of the main pillars of habit-building!)

Below I have linked my favourite article when it comes to the science behind habit formation 👇️ 

You’ll feel a sense of accomplishment after working out, and the shower becomes a satisfying reward for the effort you put in, reinforcing the habit.

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That’s all for this week! Any questions?

I answer all DMs on my socials, or reply to this email! 📨 

This newsletter is designed for you to introduce habits to allow every reader to be the happiest, healthiest, and wealthiest version of themselves! 

See you next week,


P.S. Take some time to check out the best links section below.

Some amazing reading in there! 👇️ 

(Click “Link” to open the entire article. 😉 )

🧠 😁 Boosting Happiness

What You Were Taught About “Happiness” Isn’t True (Link)

The Neuroscience of Pleasure and Happiness (Link)

How Much Control Do You Have Over Your Happiness (Link)

💪👨‍⚕️ Health Hacks

What are the benefits of ashwagandha? (link)

The little things that can improve your health (link)

Supplements: What You Need (link)

🤑📈 Wealth-Building Tips

The Best Investments for Young Adults (link)

Is Now a Good Time to Buy Bitcoin? (Updated 2024)(link)

How to Build Wealth When You Don’t Come from Money (link)


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