🥇🥈 🥉Your 3 Daily Wins.

The Only To-Do List You'll Ever Need

Welcome back to Hugo’s Habits!

This week’s habit will be focusing on HAPPINESS.

🥇🥈 🥉Your 3 Daily Wins.

P.S. Take some time this fine morning to check out the best links section! Some amazing content in there! 👇️ 

In today’s issue:

  • Explaining the concept of 3 daily wins.

  • Practical examples of each type of win.

  • Building and implementing your 3 daily wins habit.

  • and more…

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(Estimated read time: 2 minutes)

Here are the best articles and information I found while researching this week.👇️ 

🧠 😁 Boosting Happiness

Serotonin: The natural mood booster (link)

15 small things you can do every day to improve your mood (link)

What If You Pursued Contentment Rather Than Happiness? (link)

💪👨‍⚕️ Health Hacks

What are the benefits of ashwagandha? (link)

The little things that can improve your health (link)

Supplements: What You Really Need (link)

🤑📈 Wealth-Building Tips

The Best Investments for Young Adults (link)

Is Now a Good Time to Buy Bitcoin? (Updated 2024)(link)

How to Build Wealth When You Don’t Come from Money (link)

📋️ The Concept and Idea of “3 Daily Wins”.

The concept of "3 Daily Wins" was popularized by Dr. Alan Stein Jr., a performance coach and author, who believes that setting and achieving three meaningful tasks each day can significantly boost productivity and well-being.

The idea is simple: by focusing on just three key wins—one physical, one mental, and one spiritual—you ensure that your day is balanced and fulfilling.

"Focus on small, consistent wins. They compound over time and lead to significant results."

Dr. Alan Stein Jr.

These small, intentional actions create a sense of accomplishment, helping you build momentum toward your larger goals.

🏆️ Practical Examples of Each Type of Win

Here are some practical examples of each type of "Daily Win"—physical, mental, and spiritual—to help you incorporate this concept into your daily routine:

💪 Physical Win

I’d first like to say, these 3 steps do not have to be in any particular order.

As long as each is ticked off daily, your productivity and overall wellness will improve.

Firstly, you need a physical win.

This could be running, swimming, lifting, etc. 

But it does not have to be exercise.

A physical win can be stretching, recovery, or eating a healthy meal.

This can be anything you do deliberately to try to better your health.

🧠 Mental Win

A mental win can be reading, writing, creating, studying, or anything that gets you thinking.

The easiest way I found to get a mental win is just to read 10-20 pages of any book at night before you sleep.

It allows you to tick that final box just before you end your day.

I also find it a lot easier to fall asleep while reading rather than scrolling your phone.

💆‍♂️Spiritual Win

Trust me, I am not a big spiritual man myself.

A spiritual win does not have to be half an hour in deep prayer or a sacred ritual to find your true inner being.

If you are so inclined, prayer can be a great spiritual win and can be easily built into a morning or night routine.

However, a spiritual win can also be just taking a couple of minutes to steady yourself, work on your breathing, or practice gratitude.

Whatever works for you, there are no strict guidelines here.

Building the Habit

Building a habit of achieving three daily wins—one physical, one mental, and one spiritual—can greatly enhance your overall well-being.

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you establish this habit:

1️⃣ Step 1: Set a Consistent Time

Designate specific times of the day for each activity. For example:

  • Physical: Morning exercise routine

  • Mental: Lunchtime reading or mindfulness practice

  • Spiritual: Evening reflection or meditation before bed

    (As I said, this can be adapted to what suits you.)

Consistency helps in making these actions habitual, as your body and mind start to expect them as part of your daily routine.

2️⃣ Step 2: Track Your Progress

Use a habit tracker or journal to log your daily wins.

The article below lists and explains all the best habit-tracking tools and apps.

Click below 👇️ 

This visual reinforcement helps to keep you accountable and motivates you to maintain the habit.

Reflect on how each activity makes you feel and how it contributes to your overall well-being.

3️⃣ Step 3: Reward Yourself

Celebrate small victories by rewarding yourself after completing your daily wins.

This could be something as simple as enjoying a favorite snack, relaxing, or engaging in a hobby.

Positive reinforcement helps to strengthen the habit, making you more likely to continue.

That’s all for this week!

Any questions?

I answer all DMs on my socials, or reply to this email! 📨 

I love responding to our readers!

This newsletter is designed for you to introduce habits to allow every reader to be the happiest, healthiest, and wealthiest version of themselves! 

See you next week,


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